Enjoy Being Human

Our Mission

Writing matters.

That’s it. That’s our deal. Writing matters to us and to you. Nice Cage is a collaborative literary project which seeks out diverse voices and provides a platform to experimenters and risk takers.

Nice Cage delivers writing that has something to say and says it in new and unexpected ways. You are formally invited to visit us, to stop by and take a few moments to enjoy being human.

Contact Us

Nice Cage is edited by Isadora Gruye and Stacey Gruver.

Questions? Comments? Write to: nicecage.editor@gmail.com.

Interested in sending us your work? Please see our submission guidelines.

We try respond to all submissions in a timely manner. Please, give us at least 3 months to respond to your submission. If you haven't heard from us after three months, feel free to contact us.

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