Enjoy Being Human

Howie Good

Revisionist History

If someday you happen to think of me, think of me as rude hand gestures in super slow motion, or as a plain-looking car with a trunkful of guns, or as the cyanide pill that an American spy caught crossing the Soviet border should have swallowed but didn’t, think of me as the needles of rain keeping bored children locked up indoors all day, and forget the rest, the oracular diction, and the blue, blue eyes, and the strong shadows that meant there was a lot of sun.

About Howie Good

Contributor headshot, Howie Good

Howie Good is the author of Dangerous Acts Starring Unstable Elements, winner of the 2015 Press Americana Prize. His latest book is A Ghost Sings, a Door Opens from Another New Calligraphy.

More of his work can be found at Angel House Press.

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